EcoSolar - Solar Water Heating
The Green Party - Policies and merchandise
Ha-Ra NZ - Complete Microfibre Cleaning System
North Taranaki Cycling Advocates - A community group working towards improving the facilities for everyday cyclists in North Taranaki
Taranaki Environment Centre - A local trust promoting permaculture through education and example
Organic Matters - Organic food, environmentally-friendly household products, seeds and seedlings
Plant Song - Organic herbal tea blends, chai spice and BodyTalk health clinic
Transition Towns - How we and our communities can respond to the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil, using innovative solutions to re-localise our communities, making them vibrant, resilient and truly sustainable. Join your local group New Plymouth, Inglewood.
Miessence - Certified organic body care and household products and cosmetics
Ecoflame Soy Wax Candles - Natural soy candles
Soil & Health Association- Organic NZ magazine
OrganicFarmNZ - Low cost organic certification scheme
Entuition Ltd/Intelivent - A true heat recovery ventilation system
New Plymouth District Council - Information on sustainable living from the council and government
Pyroclassic Fires - NZ's cleanest and most efficient woodburner
Eco School - Soapnuts, natural alternative to washing detergents
Ebode Truly Sustainable Homes - Sustainable Homes from Design to Construction
Trade Aid - Building just and sustainable communities through fair trade
zazen Living Water Systems - Healthy water that is well filtered and mineralised
Nell's Health and Healing Centre - Natural healing and health
Pure One NZ - Alkaline mineral water from New Plymouth
Bumble Enterprises - Health and wellbeing products including reusable menstrual cups
Bioboost - Garden fertiliser
Taranaki Environment and Sustainability Network - Local networking group & website
Good Magazine - NZ Guide to Sustainable Living magazine
rivet - Climate by Design - Solar Water Heating
Avonstour Rare Breeds Farm - Meat from rare breed animals
Taranaki LETS/Green Dollars - Local exchange and trading system
The Shiatsu Clinic - Shiatsu and Massage Therapy
Electric Bikes NZ - Electric bikes and bike tours
Prometheus - Sustainable and Socially Responsible Finance
Shower Dome - Goes on top of your shower to eliminate steam from the bathroom
de Florum - Natural products focused on nature's true lilies
Inca-Fe - Love.Coffee - Fair Trade Organic Coffee
Asian Food House - Lunch Food and Snacks
MaliniBindu Patel - Food and Packaging
La Leche League - Support and information for breastfeeding
Solar Corp NZ Ltd - Solar Water Heating