EcoInnovation - Renewable Energy Systems
Ecosolar - Solar water heating, Energy Conscious Design
Freecycle - A nonprofit organisation and a movement of people interested in keeping good stuff out of landfills
The Green Party - Policies and merchandise
Ha-Ra NZ - Complete Microfibre Cleaning System
Living Economies - Complementary currencies that support local communities
North Taranaki Cycling Advocates - A community group working towards
improving the facilities for everyday cyclists in North Taranaki
Taranaki Environment Centre - A local trust promoting permaculture through education and example, with Enviroschools and Better HomesWebsWork - Sustainable Bike Tours that support and work in partnership with sustainable enterprises in the community
Organic Matters - Organic food and environmentally-friendly household products
Plant Song - Organic herbal tea blends, chai spice and BodyTalk health clinic
Transition Towns - How we and our communities can respond to the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil, using innovative solutions to re-localise our communities, making them vibrant, resilient and truly sustainable.
Miessence - Certified organic body care and household products and cosmetics
Anastasia - Ringing Cedars series of books by Vladimir Megre about a Russian woman's brilliant vision for the future of this planet, one full of hope and possibility
Enlighten Soy Candles - natural soy candles
Agriculture NZ - Local training courses for people interested in organics and horticulture for home gardens and small blocks
Karangaora - Demonstrations and use of maori medicines and ointments
Environmental Monitoring and Action Project (EMAP) - An overview of environmental education activities bringing schools, local authorities, research institutions and others together to allow students to carry out monitoring of their local region
BioSoils and Organic Aotearoa NZ - Organic advisory and education display
Soil & Health Association- Organic NZ magazine
OrganicFarmNZ - Low cost organic certification scheme
Moturoa School - What this local school is doing on their EnviroSchools programme
Taranaki Kiwi Trust - Promoting sustainable kiwi populations in Taranaki
Entuition/Intelivent - A true heat recovery ventilation system
Elemental Energy - Renewable energy, mobile power, energy efficiency for home & business
Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil - Grown by the Banaban people, the "Forgotten People of the Pacific", who live on Rabi Island, Fiji because their own island, Banaba, has suffered from great ecological and environmental disaster
New Plymouth District Council - Information on sustainable living from the council and government